Subject: (no subject) Sent: 2/18/96 9:45 PM Received: 2/18/96 10:10 PM From: larry seilhamer, To: the olga is going through all this stuff about tabs being illegal or something,,this sucks......but i hope the meat puppets guitar site works.. and thanks derrick for geting a site dedicated to tabs ,,,,ryan NEVER TO BE FOUND MEAT PUPPETS OFF....TOO HIGH TO DIE THIS SONG IS ONE OF MY FAVORITES AND IF ANYONE CAN ADD MORE TO WHAT I GOT IT WOULD BE REALLY NICE \\\\\WELL HERE IT IS///// THE INTRO....... E------------------------------------ B------------------------------------ G------------------------------------ D-7-9-10101010----7-9-101010101010--- A-7-9-10101010----7-9-101010101010--- E-5-7--8-8-8-8----5-7--8-8-8-8-8-8--- E------------------------------------ B------------------------------------ G------------------------------------ D-7-9-12121212----7-9-121212121212--- A-7-9-12121212----7-9-121212121212--- E-5-7-10101010----5-7-101010101010--- THATS ALL FOR NOW ..?S, COMMENTS OR MEAT TABS MAIL ME AT AND IF YOU HAVE TABS YOU CAN SEND THEM TO THE PUPPETS YOURSELF AT OR PLEASE POST THEM!!!!! THERE ARE FEW TABS WE NEED MORE THANKS RYAN "WHO'LL BE FIRST? I DONT KNOW,IT'S A RACE" ---CURT KIRKWOOD----